Saturday, December 24, 2005

Does Smoking Help Weight Loss?

Evidence seems to suggest that smoking cigarettes causes an increase in metabolic rate. Smoking may also suppress appetite.

However, the catastrophic health effects of smoking are far greater than the effects of obesity.

In addition, some health and weight studies show that weight loss among dieters who smoke cigarettes is less than among non-smokers.

Bottom line: if you're tempted to smoke in order to lose weight, DON'T!!


The above note is a result of a conversation I had recently with a friend of mine about my smoking habits. I have been (with due respect to my self esteem) been big-boned since I was, say born....naah, just kidding, well at least for the past ten years. Now smoking has become a habit only over the last couple of years. My reasons, while obscured in ambiguties, cannot be listed. I do get the feeling however, that smoking does help reduce your food intake. It might be helping me, or maybe not. Self-realization in such matters is awfully dim. I would however repeat that, smoking to lose weight is definitely not worth it, but if you are losing weight because you smoke, maybe its all right.

By the way, you have to really that bored to google for 'weight loss smoking'.