Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The lines from yore

Well what better way to make a return to this space than by posting depressing lines written when all self esteem is kicked out...personally...I can think of plenty...but I want to put them out there. So with a promise that from now on I will write bright and sunny words, I present to you...


Look at me
and can't you see,
I am not the guy
i used to be.
I am crushed
this ain't me
Life's been a mess
ever since i found me.


Hmmm...this is a low point

I stare at the sun,the lonely sun,
The sun to share my lonliness.
I stare at the sun,the radiant sun,
in the sun i found my hapiness.
I stare at the beautiful people,
The beauty that isn't mine
I stare at myself,
in ignominy of the incongruous.


Death foretold

For years I have heard
People come and people go
Some i knew, some i didn't
dead are those who're there no more

Friends of mine who went away
Went off suddenly through the black
Been long years since they went
Dead are those who don't come back

I walk around calling
names were many,
But no replies did i get, I wonder
dead are those who don't answer

For years I've been alone
A long time ago i crept
Left my friends, left my own
is it just me, or am I dead?

Note: Death comes to those who are lucky. Others are just happy to exist and lead a monotonous, purposeless existence. So death is not an end, its just salvation.