I search for metaphors. Beautiful symbols of an alternate vision. But then its all used, all the cliches accounted for. And here I stand, the bearer of a once creative mind. I know I think, at times too much for my own good. I know I see things in a different way. But I have lost the talent for expression. So here I write these words, just words, just incomplete thoughts, just...
This is highly irregular. Two posts on the same day. I must really not feel like studying. I was sent this song by a friend of mine months ago, today I happened to come across this show called 'Weeds' (which I recall only because of the rather provocative poster I had seen in Manhattan, during my last visit). Nevertheless, the visualization of this song, combined with the plot of the show makes the execution perfect.
The last few weeks have been a attempt at perseverance. An attempt to prepare for the qualifiers in September. It stays however as an attempt. And in the middle of this I find myself trying to break the monotony of books with movies. I saw movies and I saw films. This post is just an impulsive reaction to one such film. Little Miss Sunshine.
The movie came to my attention during this year's Oscars. It seemed to have a faded effect in the midst of movies like 'The Departed' and 'Babel'. Every other entry was this major blockbuster or had a major cast and in their midst was the story of this little girl. My initial reaction was that movies about kids are always a award entry. I forgot about it till now.
After watching this movie, I realised why this film deserved a place up there. Labeled as a dark-comedy, I was looking for smart situational humor. Quite unlike some of the reviews that you might read, I never did find many laugh out loud sketches. What I did find were powerful scenes with a sprinkling of light-hearted comedy which makes you smile and bring a tear to your eye at the same time. The movie does not have many characters. But the ones that are there, carve out a irreplaceable niche for themselves. My impression of the American family culture, unfortunately enough is rather negative. Many Americans agree that, family values do not command respect in this country. This movie however, displays something quite on the contrary. The idea of the family pushing the broken van to a start found its own metaphorical beauty without much effort.
That was only one of the many dimensions on which this movie is defined. Another feature that I found very striking was the craze that exists for beauty pageants. I suppose you will agree that these pageants are only means of seeking attention; finding a place on the social pedestal. In this film the idea of beauty pageant for kids made the concept glaringly obvious. The climax is a work of art in itself. On the writer's part and well as the directors who turned out this brilliant sequence of scenes which were hard to watch and hard to miss at the same time. The ending is not the perfect ending that might be expected but under the layers, the climax leaves you smiling, with the beautiful song by DeVotchka playing as the credits roll. So just as in the movie, I leave you with the song. Enjoy!!!
The chorus. I had to put it up here.
And everybody knows where this is heading Forgive me for forgetting Our hearts irrevocably combined Star-crossed souls slow dancing Retreating and advancing Across the sky until the end of time
I have been smoking for a long time. Well, more than five years actually. And people ask me why I smoke and over the years I have come up with several ways of explaining the reason. They tell me its bad for my health. In the words of Ebenezer Scrooge, Bah, humbug!!. Every smoker knows its bad for his/her health. But we all smoke nevertheless. I confess that in the beginning, there was a certain cool factor attached to it. Even if I was smoking on my own time. And perhaps a large part of the blame can be placed on the media, the movie. It makes, smoking look stylish. Call me crazy but quite often in day to day life, I approach solitude as a scene from a movie. To explain better I give you this example. MY first smoke in the day is a ritualistic affair, complete with the black flat coffee. Almost always I am the sole participant of this ritual. And I imagine myself, in third person. The camera panning overhead. A voiceover running through my thoughts. A soundtrack in the background. I call it my out of the body experience. It is my way of enjoying my life. Very pathetic you might say. But then again, I guess I am taking Morrison to heart, and making a movie on my life. A series of shorts.
That was how it started. A cool fad. Intermediately it assumed certain suicidal tendencies, but I do not wish to sully this piece with those long lost morbid thoughts. Just to provide and insight that when smokers know that the smokes are harmful, it may be an effort to hurt themselves. A different way of cutting yourself. I leave it at that. Now, after five years, it is a full blown addiction. And my standard answer these days, 'Every man has a right to at least one addiction'. I think if you don't, you have just bound your life. Living one's life within the confines of a healthy living, what is the point. I am not a believer in long life. So indulging in your addictions is good for the soul. It may all sound like bullshit but these are my thoughts. I leave it at that.